Laura Sorensen: graphic design for logos, websites, print and digital marketing in Cranston, RIWhen I was a little girl, my mom would make wedding cakes. (Bear with me here.) I remember watching her as she carefully measured out the right ingredients and frosted each cake very carefully, making sure to get the portioning on the ingredients just right. Every cake, though, when it was done, was different and decorated in its own special way.

One day recently when I was reminiscing, it suddenly hit me: that’s actually what I do now. I make logo ‘cakes’ – I make website ‘cakes’! It’s important to get the ‘science’ of the ingredients just right, but it’s just as important to make each one special, beautiful, and like no other. So I take my understanding of the basic essentials that need to be present in any design (be it a logo, a brochure, or a website), but then I blend them together and apply them in a way that’s specifically right for you. No templates. Just a completely customized design that accurately reflects your business.

Each ‘cake’ is different in its own special way, a perfect blending of science and art.

The pay-off for you? You get to share who you are with the people that matter, without saying a word. Want to pinpoint everything that’s special, different and (frankly) awesome about your business? Find out more about working with me.

Even more about me: When I’m not designing, I love going on driving adventures to cozy, quaint towns around New England. Or you can often find me curled up with a book and a tasty mocha at one of my favorite Rhode Island cafés.

Oh, in case you don’t parlez le Français (no judgment here), atelier is French for studio. And LKS? They’re my initials.
  • “She gets our style, and our energy for our craft. She listens and communicates effectively. And she understands how important the smallest details are.”

    Ellen Slattery Gracie's Providence
  • “I now have a website that people compliment me on. On the style, feel, usability, and design of site itself, not just the products and the content.”

    Phil Ayoub BowTies Greeting Cards
  • “I have gotten a HUGE positive response from all my clients. I'll never work with another designer - she's 110% worth the price.”

    Tara Siani Wish Salon
  • “The branding work she'll create for you will transform your brand into something larger than life!”

    Dr. Antonio Cruz, MD SkinPros Dermatology & Skin Cancer Treatment

My Recent Work + Blog Posts

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How do you play Cupid for investors? 💘
By crafting your pitch match made in heaven, of course.

Yours truly has the secret sauce to make investors fall head over heels, all in four breezy steps:

Get 'em hooked emotionally, crank up the urgency, dazzle with killer design, and build trust.

Is this idea arrow headed straight for your heart?
Learn how to craft that pitch match - check out my latest article.
Sub-branding: Savior or Saboteur?

Get the lowdown on when to use 'em and when to lose 'em in my latest article. No BS, just branding wisdom.
Want to build a brand that people trust? I've recently penned some insights on a topic I think could benefit you: designing for trust in the marketplace.

Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just starting out, these insights will help you think like a designer and score a branding win in today's competitive landscape.

(You'll also meet my friend Nick who I've worked with on a couple of trust ventures - he's a cool chap. You should totally check out his blog: )
I'm back in the ring with fresh insights on the pulse of brand brilliance! 🚀✨

This time, I'm exploring 3 ways a Creative Director drills down into Brand Brilliance - unveiling the art of crafting an unforgettable brand:

🔍 Dive into the brilliance, my friends:
Celebrating the culmination of a transformative 3-month pitch coaching journey with my stellar colleagues at @giantshoulders: Tino Chow, Mike Valdes, and John Bates.

Grateful to have worked with incredible Japanese entrepreneurs in biotech and healthcare, including James Grosvenor from Anaut, Junichi Kushioka from Ayumo, Daisuke Tanaka from Any-Edge, Rudder Wu from Thermalytica, Yuji Hara from AI SILK Corporation, Tomoyuki Koide from Tsubame BHB, Yuki Nono from FingerVision, and Yoshihiko Saito from Elephantech.

Your dedication and innovation are shaping the future, and it's been a pleasure amplifying your stories! 🚀
Hey, y’all!

I’m back.
Missed you.
Work is great.
Come see me in RI!
God is good.

Need a brand consultant to get your brand back on track?
Get your brand mojo back with fractional creative direction from moi (that's French for Laura Sorensen, Design-Doctor-at-large)

Book your checkup:
🔥 Ditch Tradition: Fractional Creative Magic! 🔮

You can get measurable results with a strategic brand design plan (and you don't need an expensive agency or full-time creative director to do it!)

But how? I'll tell you.

A fractional creative director (like me) can help your team move FASTER, is COST-EFFECTIVE, and STRESS-FREE.

I'm here to harmonize and maximize your brand's impact across all platforms. I've got you covered whether it's your website, social media, or marketing materials. Together, we'll create a consistent and powerful brand presence that captivates your audience.

🌟 Ready to redefine creativity? Let's talk and leave boring behind!
Serious mojo happens when marketing and design work together.

As a Fractional Creative Director, I've witnessed the awesome business impact when marketing and design teams harmonize their work. Harmony that translates into faster time to market, premium pricing, and a smoother ride.

1️⃣ - Bridge the gap between design and marketing through a cohesive visual language in all your touchpoints: web, social, trade shows, and offline materials.

2️⃣ - Collaboration between design and marketing is key. Effective cooperation will transform marketing goals into impactful design assets.

3️⃣ - Start by establishing clear goals and open communication. Everyone does their best work in a collaborative environment.

4️⃣ - Embrace data-driven decision-making. If marketing leaders and creative directors have a shared understanding of performance, they can reach quicker decisions on optimizing campaigns. This ultimately drives revenue growth.

5️⃣ - By fostering a partnership, collaboration, and leveraging each other's strengths, marketing leaders and creative directors can work together to drive revenue and position the business for long-term success.

When we bridge the gap between these two crucial disciplines, magic happens.

Let's get to work, people! 💪
Delegate like a boss. 🥷🏿🥷🏻🥷🏾🥷🏼🥷🏽
Unleash your inner productivity ninja.

Delegating work isn't just about sharing responsibilities – it's about reclaiming your time and sanity, and boosting your productivity. When you take the plunge and delegate, you unlock your true potential as a leader.

Let's redefine productivity together. 💪